Friday, July 16, 2010

Final of Hippie/Rooster assignment

Meet Schuylar the human and Seed the rooster.

Seed is a 4 year old rooster who is timid and prefers to be alone even though he heavily relies on his friends. Seed is very alert and notices everything around him, even if it annoys him. He was born in a Kentucky farmer's barn and often travels with his hippie friends across the country playing music.

Schuylar is a 22 year old human who was born and raised in Florida. He really tries to stay away from home because his family does not appreciate that he chose to be a musician instead of go to medical school.

They met several times at festivals that their bands travel to perform at and are often to be forced in each others company. Sky likes Seed and wishes to get to know the rooster better, but Seed makes that difficult because of his want to be alone when they are not performing.

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